Radiation Protection & Safety
- Advisory & Consultation
- Personal Radiation Dosimeters (TLD) & Monitoring
- Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
- Import & Re-Export of Radioactive Materials
- Radiation Survey & Leakage (wipe test)
- NORM Treatment & Waste Management
- Quality Assurance & Calibration
- Shielding
- Radiation Emergency Preparedness & Response
- Enquire Now
Advisory & Consultation
Radiation regulations are strict and avoiding unnecessary radiation exposure for employees and the public is essential. Companies that work with radioactive sources often face challenges in complying with regulations conveniently and within budget. Our consultancy team has many years of experience in tackling these challenges and can support your business with all aspects necessary to be compliant with Saudi legislation.
Our approach:
- Determine the requirements your business needs to meet and what risks in the field of radiation you are exposed to.
- Determine the measures that should be taken and the best approach to implement in your business.
- Establish a radiation protection program to deal with complex compliance issues and manage incidents and risks from radiation.
- Conduct an annual audit of the radiation protection program to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in meeting the legal requirements.