We are committed to operating our business in a responsible and sustainable manner. We believe that Saudization, investment in Research and development, and support of non-profit institutions are all essential to achieving our corporate responsibility goals. We are committed to working with our employees, customers, suppliers, and partners to achieve these goals and make a positive impact on the world.

TEC-GM100 is a portable digital radiation survey meter used to measure doses of Gamma and X-rays that individuals are exposed to during their work...

TEC-GM200 is a portable digital radiation survey meter used to measure doses of Gamma and X-rays that individuals are exposed to during their work...

TEC-GM210 is a multi portable digital radiation survey meter used
to measure doses of Gamma and X-rays that individuals are
exposed to during their work...

TEC-AM210 is one of Technology Expert Company's products used
for Gamma radiation monitoring. AM210 uses a Geiger Mueller...

A part of the TEC products family is TEC-ATM10 which is a powerful
tracking device that, together, protects machines and their cash...