Personal Radiation Dosimeters (TLD) & Monitoring
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- Radiation Protection & Safety
- Personal Radiation Dosimeters (TLD) & Monitoring
Radiation Protection & Safety
- Advisory & Consultation
- Personal Radiation Dosimeters (TLD) & Monitoring
- Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
- Import & Re-Export of Radioactive Materials
- Radiation Survey & Leakage (wipe test)
- NORM Treatment & Waste Management
- Quality Assurance & Calibration
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- Radiation Emergency Preparedness & Response
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Personal Radiation Dosimeters (TLD) & Monitoring
Thermoluminescent Dosimeter:
Technology Experts Company offers TLD dosimetry services to ensure the safety of workers and the public in settings where there is exposure to ionizing radiation. We use a variety of TLDs to measure the whole body and skin doses from gamma, x-rays, and beta radiations, eye lens doses from gamma and x-rays, and routine and emergency doses. Our TLD dosimetry services include:
Workplace Monitoring:
Workplace monitoring is a critical component of radiation safety. It is used to evaluate the radiation dose and working conditions of workers in radiation facilities or with radioactive material. Technology Experts Company can provide such services to help ensure the safety of workers. The workplace monitoring process typically involves the following steps:
1. Survey of radiation levels
A detailed survey is conducted to measure the radiation levels in the workplace. This includes measuring the levels of ambient gamma radiation, radon, and contamination.
2. Evaluation of workplace conditions
A detailed survey is conducted to measure the radiation levels in the workplace. This includes measuring the levels of ambient gamma radiation, radon, and contamination.
3. Production of a detailed report
A detailed report is produced that summarizes the findings of the survey and evaluation. The report is used to make recommendations for improving radiation safety in the workplace.